Monday, January 14, 2013

Leonardo in a fossil rock - a pareidolon

The other day a friend called all excited over finding a fossil that looked like Mona Lisa.  She knew I liked pareidola, fossils, and Leonardo.   Here they were all in one.  Isn't it fun when nature paints a picture, or in this case carves one?   When I saw it I thought she was daft.  If that's Mona Lisa, the girl needs some help.  I see an old balding guy with a very bushy beard.  His hands are visible along the bottom, the left hand holds a large bone.  I was greatly relieved when the fossil finder called again to see how I liked the image of Leonardo in the pose of Mona Lisa. Or, she says, maybe it's Moses.  Either is more believable.  But to me the creepy crinoid eyes make him look like an alien.  

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