Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Max Planck Kunsthistorishe's Reading Room

Here is the spot I just spent 6 hours in, doing some research.  You have to climb ladders to get the books and articles!  This is just one of dozens of rooms with almost half a million volumes mostly on the art of the Italian Renaissance.   I worked non-stop all afternoon and into the evening, and surprised myself by getting through an article in Italian among other things.  The first couple days weren't so pleasant.  My bag didn't arrive when I did and I had to place a claim at the airport.  Then, since I had met two of my fellow institute students and we had agreed to share a cab, I didn't want to hold them up to get Euros.  Big mistake.  Always get your cash at the airport.  I spent many hours the next day searching for an exchange that would cash my travelers checks, running about in the same clothes I had worn and tried to sleep in for 2 1/2 days.  I was horrified to think I had to go to the opening dinner reeking and miserable, but I located an exchange after 4 hours of running about, paid far too much for my Euros, and just in time the bag arrived.  So all is wonderful now.  The first guest lecturer spoke and answered questions all morning, the incomparable Martin Kemp.  He will be the featured guest tomorrow morning as well, then we go to Villa I Tatti, enjoy their research facilities, and have tea in the afternoon.  How civilized.

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